We won't try to force you to use any specific browser, however, for the best use of this site, as well as other Standards Compliant Sites, we encourage to upgrade your browser of choice to the latest version.
Why? Well...
The World Wide Web is going through growing pains. In the early days of the Web when Netscape and Microsoft, and possibly other browsers were created and released, they added their own extensions to the very limited original HTML Language. Plus, in later years, due to bugs and careless (or worse, Intentional) ignorance of the established Standards, by browser authors, pages written to the Standards appear different in various browsers. There are even some Government Web Sites, (As well as some Corporate Web Sites) which force you to ONLY use MS Internet Explorer to view or use the site. This is inexcusable!
As you have seen while viewing this Site there is a Major push in the Industry to turn this around, and encourage EVERYONE to adhere to the established Open Standards. Later Browsers are getting better at attempting to adhere completely to these Standards. The latest version of whichever browser you choose to use, will give you a better rendition than an older version.
The computer industry, guided by the W3C, are encouraging website designers, and other computer professionals, to adhere to internationally accepted Open Standards for Web Design, (such as HTML/XHTML, & CSS), and Accessibility (WAI).
RSI agrees with NOT using proprietary "protocols", or proprietary "standards".
We support these Open Standards, and others when implementing this website, as well as our client's systems. The icons below represent the Open Standards that this website has been validated against.
Computer Systems Consultants
Linux®, and Open
SourceTM Specialists